In recent years, Quakers involved in the world of business have found lasting connection and support through Friends they met through the FGC Pre-Gathering Quakers & Business Conferences that they don’t experience in their monthly meetings.
During this time of uncertainty and change, isolation can be an enemy; it separates us from the herd like a predator. Both common ground and empathy for each other are important. We feel led to build an online network that fosters connection and support, as well as mentorship and creative collaboration. It is open to all who support Quaker principles and who wish to participate in the business world at all levels – from those who feel led to offer a service or product for the first time, to experienced entrepreneurs and those with extensive professional business experience.
Ernest Bader, the Quaker founder of Scott Bader Commonwealth, reminds us that “a socially responsible undertaking cannot exist merely in its own interests. It is part of the whole national and international community and as such has responsibilities which extend far beyond its factory walls.”
As we begin, some experimentation will be necessary. We welcome your suggestions and contributions. We will allow Spirit to be our guide and remember that it is often the smallest voice that speaks truth.